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Returning Knight Thom Smith discusses how it feels to be back and previews Ampthill fixture

Second Row, Thom Smith was part of the Knights during the 2021/22 season before moving to Jersey Reds. After his time at Jersey, Smith took some time away from the sport, before returning to Castle Park.

The 24-year-old, explained how it feels to return: “After Jersey, I took a little bit of time out from rugby. I didn’t expect to miss it as much as I did. But then I got a message from Matt [Harland] and Joey [Ford] about two months before the season started and I bit their hand off. I’m really excited to be back.”

Despite Smith having been with Doncaster previously, the squad has changed dramatically, with only a few familiar faces left from Smith’s season. He explained, “Weirdly, the team have come together very quickly. Hats off to the backroom staff. I think the players that they’ve got in are brilliant. Off the field, we’ve gelled really well. And on it, I think hopefully we’ll see the fruits of our labour come the season.”

Amongst the new team is a big selection of experienced players, Smith said: “I think their experience is invaluable. The likes of Logo and Telusa who are just coming in. Even the likes of Jordy (Jordan Olowofela) who have been at very impressive environments. Their knowledge, not only just game knowledge, but life experience too, It’s just great to have around to learn off.”

As well as the experienced players in the Squad, the Knights have acquired some young and upcoming team members too. Smith plays the same position as Bath loanee, Arthur Green. He said: “hopefully I can help guide him and he might be able to guide me as well. I think, we’ve got a good blend and it’s definitely exciting going into the season to try and see where we can finish up.” 

As part of the pre season schedule, the Knights travelled down to Bristol for a behind closed doors game. Smith, who was involved on the day explained: “I think the positive from it was that, going to an environment which is obviously in the Premiership. Firstly, their facilities are unreal, so just experiencing that was really cool.”

“And then them as an outfit as well, it was a great test. The conditions were quite poor, but it was a game we were after, we got stuck in and got a good result in the end.” (Bristol 14-33 Doncaster)

Finally, the second row emphasised the feelings in the squad heading into the start of the Championship this weekend: 

“I think just everyone’s really excited. We’ve obviously got our ambitions and our goals that we’ve set. But none of them are going to come without hard work. So we’re just looking forward to getting into it now.”

Doncaster Knights face Ampthill in the first Championship game of the season this weekend. Saturday 21 September – book your tickets now!

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